Sunday, 8 February 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button....

I went to see Benjamin Button after hearing a lot of luke warm reviews but was still really excited to see it, its a bit haunting and strange but enough about the film the wardrobe is fantastic!!! Cate Blanchett has got some A-MAZING costumes in it. As does Brad Pitt. Costume Designer Jaqueline West designed the costumes through era's of 1919 to 2005. She was nominated an oscar for the best acheivement in costume design for her work and she really deserves it!

Yellow and Black Dogtooth High waisted trousers - so beautiful!

Jaqueline West refrained from using too many accessories on Cate Blanchett because she felt her skin like pearls. She is luminescent. Let her skin be the jewellery.

1 comment:

jamie said...

It looks like a great film, I'm going to try and see it sometime this week!