Monday, 6 October 2008

Theme Board...06/10/08

I really enjoyed making my theme board for Rococco. Having chosen the theme i knew the least about i learnt a lot doing research for the project! I concentrated a lot on colour schemes to create the right kind of mood...I used a lot of bright colours to reflect the carefree life style during the particular era. pinks, purples, yellows and mainly pastel colours.

I used a lot of indulgent images such as candyfloss and extravagant jewellery to depict the lavish lifestyle. i used a lot of curved forms etc including shells and ruffles on the texture of dresses, because i looked at a lot of Rococco stlye interior design and architecture.

If I were to make my theme board into a design it would definitely be something very elegant. Couture, womanswear. Maybe a collection of evening wear dresses which would reflect the rococco costume. Also underwear, with corsets etc, which were very popular in those days.

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