I can't even begin to explain the excitement I felt last Friday waiting for my LOOK prize haul. I know you probably do know, but I won their blogging competition - and for doing so I get a fantabulous load of goodies! I feel like I've had a 2nd Birthday or Christmas...I woke up at the crack of dawn in fear of missing Mr Postman! I was hoping to get a video in of me and my big box of stuff, but when it arrived I was all alone and there was no way I was waiting 10 hours for someone to come home before I opened it!!

When I took this little baby out of the box I knew it was probably the most expensive bit of skin care I would ever hold. It's an Active Radiance Serum from Murad. I've been using it for about 4 days now and my skin already feels brighter! (that's what it's for) I reeeeally don't want this to run out!

White Stuff Satchel. Ahem. Premium Leather Satchel...oh my god it smells amazing. Obviously that's not the only reason to like it! The size is perfect and it's just the cutest thing ever! I need to get some big chunky knit vintage cardigans to wear with it!

Frey Wille scarf! The print is kind of Op-Art/Pop-Art. Feeling it as a head scarf! That is if my mum doesn't steal it from me, she's got her eye on it! It's soooooo silky too! Can tell it's beautifully made and probably very expensive!!!

Probably the swishest pair of hair straightners I've ever seen! They're incredible too, they've got a special plate that actually makes your hair shiny! Screw you heat damage I'll use my Cloud Nine Iron and have shiny hair too!

Oh yeah floppy hat yeahhhh! I fricking love this hat, I spent most of Friday wearing it! Everyone tells me i'm a 'hat person' - is that a compliment? Now I'm considering buying a holiday just so I can wear the hat...AND the sunglasses (just you wait)!

Wow i LOVE this jacket! From il2l, who specialise in leather what else can you expect but amazing leathery goodness. It's my first REAL leather jacket. It's got an amazing vintage feel, but in a modern way which I love in clothing. I think I'm going to designate a whole blog post to this jacket so I can get more pictures of it/in it! What do you guys think - outfit post ahoy?

Polaroid 'Polarized Sunglasses' I was so excited when I saw these because I actually wrote about them in my Dissertation! (It was about digital technology and the affect on the exclusivity of fashion - there's a link there somewhere, trust me!) These have the whole cat eye shape going, which brings my sunglass collection a little more on trend for SS11 !

mmmmmmmmmmm tassles. mmmmmmmm suede! I'm sure i've blogged a fair few times about how in love I am with both tassles and suede. This bag is from River Island, i've never seen it before - which is cool because I hopefully won't see anyone else walking around with it!

Many a good time was spent playing with these nail varnishes! HOW cute are the colours! Totally summery! I feel I can get some good nail art on the go now! You can't really tell from the pictures but they finish is so nice and glossy! And i'm such a spaz at painting my nails (as you can probably see) but the brushes are pretty easy to use!!!!

I always used to say how I LOVE perfume but couldn't afford it because I was too into buying clothes! Yet somehow in the last month i've managed to wangle 3 free perfumes! My only problem now is which one to wear...I think i'm going to smell good for the rest of my life. (3 perfumes last a life time - right?)
SO there we have it! I also get £50 spoiled brat vouchers and a dress from French Connection worth up to £150. Exciting! I'm going to try and do some outfit posts wearing some of my goodies, probably not ALL at once though. Thank you EVERYONE for their really kind comments on me winning, and everyone involved in putting the prize together!
Amelia xo
Yay! What a fabbo post to show off your well deserved prize package. I'm so pleased you like it all Xx
Absolutely amazing swag! Im literally in love with that satchel, and the jacket looks like it would be gorgeous, you should definitely dedicate a post to it! Well done you deserved it xxx
wow! totally jealous! but your look show posts were fantastic, you totally deserve it! well done!
Congrats, amazing prizes, so jeal! xx
Wow! Look at all your new stuff! Lucky lady, you totally deserve it. I'm glad that you painted all your nails different colours, I'd have totally done that.
Amy xxxx
Not gunna lie so jealous right now! Thats an amazing prize but you totally deserve it! Love your blog xx :o)
You are so lucky, I love all those goodies, and that hat looks really cute on you! Well done! :) x
awesome, love the perfumes, I'm lusting after the 'daisy'! You did really well in the comp, congrats!
wow you lucky lucky girl!!!!
Wow, what incredible prizes! Congratulations, your Look posts were brilliant xx
Wow, an amazing prize! Well done :) x
you lucky thing! totes jealous but you deserve it! xo.
SICK with jealousy! How exciting and amazing!
Enjoy your goodies! Those Nubar polishes look amazing :) x
Hi there!
What a lovely blog you have here!
Lotts of good images and nice inspiration! Thanks for sharing and keep it up! Love the different colors of nail polish!
Wanna be followers? Let me know!
Love from Stockholm... xoxo
wowza! those are some high end items!
Oh lucky girl, enjoy your goodies!!!
It looks like you already do.
Amazing box of goodies!! Love the sunglasses and the satchel.
Lucky you ! There are so much great pieces !
lovely everything!! you have a good taste!! im following!
Look my blog and if you like it, follow me :)
Wow this looks amazing, like Christmas all over again! Very well deserved, definitely want to see an outfit post with the jacket, I'm obsessed with leather and I bet you'll do a great job!
Congrats!!!! The prizes look ace! x
All looks amazing. Congratulations!
Lovely blog,
eurgh I'm DYING of jealousy!
Looks awesome, I was looking for some advice regarding the cloud nine iron, is it actually superior to the GHD? It looks so presentation wise. I was just wondering which one of the two to get my girlfriend for christmas.
Thanks! xx
Hi Tim! I've actually never had GHD's but i'd definitely recommend the cloud nine it's amazing!!! Lots of different settings/temperatures for different hair styles X
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